IT Administration and Support Group

ELORET's IT support group provides system administration services for servers, desktop and workstation computers, associated peripheral equipment, and office equipment such as scanners and color printers. Currently the group is responsible for about 200 Computers including Macintosh and Windows PCs, Unix/Linux workstations, Linux compute clusters, backup servers, web servers, and a large number of printers. Along with exceptional desktop/laptop support skills, the group has experience with building custom compute clusters from the ground up. They are also skilled in server and MySQL database setup and configuration.

The ELORET IT Support group is comprised of four Brainbench Certified System Administrators and one Junior Administrator. The group has a dedicated manager who holds a BS in Information Technology. Each member of the group has at least ten years of industry experience. ELORET Brainbench Certified System Administrators each has the network security certification and one or more computer platform certifications. (Certification is good for three years). The group's Junior Administrator has two years of computer engineering education.

The ELORET IT Support Group is committed to providing the best customer service possible. Currently we have several customers at NASA Ames Research Center. To achieve this, group members do continual research into hardware and upgrades to commonly used software. Additionally, ELORET IT Support Group regularly interact with other AMES computer administrators to help generate IT standards at Ames. Group members provide valuable feedback on Agency and Center specific data calls. Group management or staff representatives participate in the Ames System Administrator's Birds-of-a-Feather meetings.

The value-added functions of the group include NIST based IT Security Plan assistance, user education, assistance with IT purchase planning, and supplemental support of non-Networked laboratory computer systems. The ELORET IT Support Group has assisted with IT System Security Plan Creation, Annual Testing of IT Security Controls, and Contingency Plan testing. The Group has not only made recommendations on hardware and software purchases but was involved with the testing of new products, the timing of those purchases, and creating implementation plans for system deliveries.